Saturday 17 May 2014

Day 93 -- Flu flu go away~

Played catch with the flu bug and I lost, so my forfeit was to stay indoors for the whole day. Well, it wasn't all that bad, considering I watched 2 shows -- Pitch Perfect and The Perks of Being a Wallflower all in 1 afternoon. 

But then I still attended the Korean party my neighbour organised at the rooftop. It wasn't as big as the previous one, but the food tonight was awesome as well! We had rice cakes, Kimchi pancakes and Korean sushi! Trust me, life is good! Ok, not so when the flu is not getting any better. And I just learnt that my Korean neighbour is going to leave soon! So sad.. Guess it's time for us to say goodbye soon.. Oh wells~ It's inevitable right? What needs to come will eventually come. Just prepare for it...

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