Saturday 10 May 2014

Day 86 -- Taipei 1

Took an overnight bus to Taipei again! And coincidentally,  we were given the same 3 seats as the previous trip! And because of the training we had earlier, I was asleep for almost the whole journey!
Went to 十分 after with all of our baggage. And after much anticipation,  I finally 在十分放天灯了! Wrote our wishes and seeing it go up the skies with the lantern was really a great feeling! We also went to the 十分瀑布, which was another nice scenic place I think I won't regret going! Although I'm quite turned off by businessmen who made use of natural attractions to earn profits. Oh wells...
The next stop was 淡水 where we walked at the old streets as well as went to the fisherman's wharf! And of course, we took pictures at the famous lovers' bridge!
Ended the day at 师大夜市 because our hostel is within walking distance to it!
Yup so practically this was my first day in Taipei. Was really tired from the lack of sleep, but I think it's all worth it! :)

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