Sunday 25 May 2014

Day 102 -- Lotus Pond Race

Just finished our first race at Lotus pond today! It wasn't the real one that we trained for, but it was supposed to allow us to feel how it is going to be like in an actual race. The feeling was really very different from the normal jitters I get before performing on stage.

You see, all my life the stage had been part of my life, but not being in a sports team, let alone taking part of a sports competition! So I was really looking forward to the race since the beginning of joining the team! Although this is just a pre-empt, I still treat it as though it's the real one so I'll put in my 100% into the race!

We sent 3 teams to compete today namely Men, Women and Mixed. The mixed team was made up of people from the Men and Women teams, so some of them had to paddle for 5 times (almost) continuously! I was lucky to be placed in only the Women team, but because we were the last to compete, so we were to support the rest of the team who had already rowed previously for the mixed teams' races. 

So for us, the actual duration we got to paddle was really short, but watching the competition alone was exciting enough. I really loved how cooperative everyone was and the encouragement exchanged after each race! It's funny how the past 3 months we all practiced without really knowing each other and after one race we all got so much closer (I mean between different teams). 

For now, it's time to crash~ So tired from all the rowing and shouting and cheering!

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