Sunday 18 May 2014

Day 95 -- Mass practice at Tainan!

Woke up early today for our first (and sadly only) practice at the competition site at AnPing, Tainan! The boats were much bigger than those used in the Lotus pond practices and of course heavier. But rowing in these boats were still better than having to row in the stagnant waters of the school's swimming pool.

Because it is a new competition grounds for everyone, there were new rules that we got to adapt. In the end, we rowed for a much shorter period of time than we anticipated and the rain didn't help.
Nonetheless, we had a great time rowing as a team! It's was great seeing everyone working together so hard to get to the end! It's really motivating!

And lastly for lunch, all of us got a really pleasant surprise! We're each given NTD 100 for lunch! It seemed like we had a omni-present parent somewhere to provide for us! Cheers to a free lunch in An Ping today! <3

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