Wednesday 14 May 2014

Day 90 -- I can't stop snacking!!

I'm so frustrated with myself today! For the whole day (minus the time I'm not in dorm), I'd been snacking away. And that was on top of my normal meals :(

So I was discussing this issue with Miyuki on our way out for dinner trying to find out the reason behind my binge snacking, as I will call it. Perhaps it's because I have nothing much to do in the dorm and hence my mouth will itch for snacks. Oh wells..

On a happier note, I got back my last mid terms paper today and I'm glad to say I passed with flying colours!! I got a whooping 95 for it! Seems like it's the best grades I'd been awarded in years! But now that all the midterms had been returned. It's time to prepare for the finals.

Oh gosh! 5 more academic weeks, 6 more weeks in Taiwan :O Time really flies :((

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