Saturday 24 May 2014

Day 100 -- A taste of home!

100 days of Taiwan! I'm left with less than 40 days before going back to the sunny island~

So we had a small party in the international dorm cooking some of our favourite home cooked food back in Singapore. It was so awesome! Bak kut teh, Yong Tau Foo, Sesame Chicken, chicken rice, and some miscellaneous dishes because we got a bit too much ingredients.
For the first time in almost 4 months, my dinner was finally salty enough! No words can describe how much I miss eating salty cooked food. And to top it off, not only did the Singaporeans had a great time, the Japanese neighbours who came over enjoyed the food too! I'm certainly glad they could appreciate those food we prepared! 

After the party, I went on to my individual part 2 of partying. Literally partying. LOL. Went to lamp alone and thought that that's gonna be the theme of the night -- Lamp Alone. But I was so surprised to see Adeline and Julie together with some of their friends over there as well! And when I saw them, Adeline was so high I almost didn't recognize her at first! It was great partying with them but it was a pity that they left early.

Continue on, I was alone for a while and being pestered by this Taiwanese guy (NO, I DON'T WANT TO DANCE WITH YOU) who obviously did not get my hint. And all of a sudden someone poked me from the back and to my (HUGE) relieve it was Lorenzo! He totally saved me! Needless to say, we partied together and had small bitching sessions while waiting for our drinks. 

Awesome night is simply, AWESOME.

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