Saturday 10 May 2014

Day 87 -- Taipei Day 2

Went to 乌来 today! This was a sudden decision because the initial plans was deemed too time and effort wasting. But even so, the trip today was a great one!

We went to 乌来 for its waterfall, but it wasn't as magnificent as the one we saw at ShiFen.. It was more like a steady stream that flowed from the top of the hills. Nonetheless, we had a great time taking pictures with the waterfall!

We then took the log tram down to the old streets and visited the Attayal Museum! I loved the museum because I could learn so much about the aboriginals in Taiwan! Everyday, I am learning something new of this land I'm in!

After the trip, we went to 永康街.. Wanted to try some cafes there but in the end we settled for shaved ice instead. But it was a popular store, so I'm not complaining too!

Can't wait for the last day tomorrow!

Just a sidenote... Seems like there's this wave of nostalgia in almost every part of Taiwan, because there will always be a 老街 as an attraction somehow.

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