Saturday 3 May 2014

Day 79 -- PILOT 1

It seemed only yesterday when we were first told about the PILOT Global conference, and tonight, we just ended our first session. Although this first session was more of a talk cum sharing session by the speaker, but I'd learnt so much from his sharing!

To lead, is to serve. The central message of tonight's talk. How true is this statement! Many times we want to lead because we don't want to follow instructions or we feel that we can offer better ideas or perhaps even lead better. But tonight's talk gave me a paradigm shift. You can lead only when you know how to serve with values. With a strongly rooted value system, no matter what your position is, you will always be a leader.

I am really thankful for having such an opportunity to be part of the event as a facilitator. I was able to meet different people, from different universities. In my group alone, other than the NSYSU students, there are other students from Ping Tung and Hua Lien. This was truly an amazing learning opportunity for me!

Well, I got to end here because I have another day of conference to attend, and I got to wake up at 6am! I hope I will not oversleep!! >.< Good night!

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