Tuesday 13 May 2014

Day 89 -- Cross Cultural Show, Jasper's Farewell

Today's lesson was our last one with Jasper, our TA for he is heading to Canada for exchange. And our prof was so sweet to plan for a surprise farewell with some of the classmates. They even ordered a cake, more than enough for the 20+ of us in the class! This is the true epitome of efficiency at its best, given the fact that it was a rather last minute decision made just last night!

The farewell took place during the first hour of our 3-hour class and we were led into a medley of modified covers by Holden, a fellow classmate.

After which, we went on to have the cross culture shows, presenting Taiwan and Singapore. The Taiwan one was so interesting! Firstly they made a powerful entrance by wearing costumes from various aboriginal groups in Taiwan; they also made the presentation in the form of a mini skit. At the end of the presentation, they even distributed local snacks and milk tea for the whole class! They really set the whole benchmark for the presentation to a whole new level! But it's really an eye-opener too! For the 3 years of my Uni life, it's the first time I ever saw such a lively presentation!

The Singapore one was great too! Seeing all the lingoes they presented as well as the food they introduced, I'm really looking forward to returning back to that sunny little red dot on the equator! But I'm sure when the day comes, I'm going to miss Taiwan a lot too! Mixed feelings much eh~

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