Thursday 8 May 2014

Day 84 -- Some much needed quality time with myself

Went to the Lotus pond today to train with the international team as the 'drummer'. But because there wasn't any drum on board, I was just there to count the pace. Sound easy? But it took me a while to count correctly. And though I haven't been to that place before, I did not tour it after practice just now because I'll be back again next Wednesday for another round of training.

Went to the Dogpig Arts Cafe afterwards for some me-time. Well, I can only say they have great ambience. The rest? There wasn't much choices of food for me to choose, neither where the beer as well. They do have some imported beers, but when I asked the waitress about some of the little options available, she appeared to be as clueless as me. Well, I don't blame her, perhaps she doesn't drink or maybe she's new. But no, I will not recommend anyone to go, unless you are there for some exhibition.

So I had this Belgium Floris, which is a passion fruit beer, and I love the sourness of this fruit beer! But then again like most fruit beers, it tasted more like fruit juice than beer to me. I was looking for special brews I haven't tried before, but I'm disappointed. Oh wells, I shall continue exploring these small shops and who knows, I may get a surprise somewhere somehow :)

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