Friday 23 May 2014

Day 99 -- Drama lesson, dramamama :O

It was just another Thursday or so I thought when I woke up early this morning to complete my essays due in the afternoon. That's apparently not the case. We're only in the 2nd part of the lesson and some classmate of mine started questioning the teacher about some past production they handled. Well, it was a normal FAQ session (we often have such impromptu FAQ sessions in class) at first, but all spiraled downwards when this low EQ classmate of mine made a comparison of my teacher to a prostitute. I mean this is really infuriating. From they way I see it, this guy just wanted to get the issue out but the way he phrased it was so bad. So in the end, while my teacher was explaining to him what happened and all, she started crying. This shocked the whole class. To us, she was the unbeatable, a strong woman with strong and valid opinions. I guess what pained her wasn't the fact that the low EQ guy make comparison of her to prostitute but the fact that he could not look beyond himself. All he could see was what's happening at the moment. Yet the teacher saw what is beyond us. In her vision, she sees her students as successful managers in the theatre scene, not just some small fry that can be easily replaceable.

I guess what shocked me wasn't the fact that my teacher cried in class, because I did had my share of making teacher cried in the past and even to the extent of driving her out of school ( I believe our unteachable attitude then was one of the main reason she left too.. Thanks to my friends for the refreshed memory :o), but the fact that she felt that after so many years, she could not make her student to be more far-sighted, to look beyond himself.

Needless to say, the class ended on a really awkward note. I do hope that guy will do some reflection upon himself. Not the act of asking questions, but the way he sees things. Oh wells~

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