Thursday 15 May 2014

Day 91 -- First bowling experience in TW!

Went for a bowling session with the fellow dragon boat mates tonight! It's really cheap, considering only NTD 40 per game for students. And when we reached, it seemed as though we booked the whole bowling alley because it was only us there! I played 2 games with Min yu, Miyuki, Mizuho and Sonia ( a new friend I made today)! It was fun, seeing the pins fall, or the ball clearing the gutter.

Didn't join the rest for dinner at some eatery near love river, but instead we went to FE21 for dinner, because we were all famished by the time we ended our game! And I finally get to eat my salad from Subway! And not to mention it's so much cheaper here! For a roasted chicken salad and a cookie, it's only NTD 140! Too cheap, too nice! I'm definitely going back for more to curb my cravings for salads!

As for now, I need to prepare for my presentation tomorrow, and sleeping soon. Nights guys! :D

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