Wednesday 7 May 2014

Day 83 -- International cultural fair / Training in the rain

For 3 consecutive days starting today, there is the international cultural fair happening in school. I went to have a look after lessons today and it really seemed like a huge carnival happening right in the heart of the main campus! There were performances as well as stalls selling food from different countries. So I had Russian puffs, Kaya toasts (yes, I know, again!), Creme Brulee and Slovakian Potato salad and mustard chicken. Ok, i know that's a lot to consume at one go, but I just couldn't resist! But I will not go there again because I think I am done with the stalls and performances. 

On the side note, I got The Great Gatsby for only NTD 80! Although it's a second-hand book, but I think the previous owner was super gentle with the book it didn't looked used at all! So happy with my buy today!

And today's pool training was done in the rain. Yes, it started pouring the moment our training commenced and it didn't stop until I was making my way back from dinner. Even though it rained, but it did not dampened the spirit of those who went for the training! In fact, I thought we are improving, although there are still a lot of absentees :( 

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