Friday 9 May 2014

Day 85 -- Mid terms results!

Got back my mid term and assignment results today and I am really happy with them! Got 83 for one of the mid terms, although it's a group work, at least we passed it! So all I need to focus now is the 2nd individual assignment and the finals and I am good to transfer my credits!

And as for the assignment, I got an 'OK+' for it. God knows what it meant, but I believe it means above average! (Think positive!! LOL) And for this module, I'm also just left with one more individual assignment and finals!

And I just realised I only have 6~7 weeks left in Kaohsiung! O.M.G. How time flies! It seems like yesterday when I first reach this foreign land and now I am counting down to my going home!

Alright, I'm going to stop now because I am going to Taipei tonight! :D

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