Sunday 1 June 2014

Day 108 -- Day 2!

We advanced to the next race! This is pretty much the highlight of the day. Ok, no, there were of course more..

The international team did a splendid job today! Though they only started racing today but the results were so good! 1min 40-odd seconds! They are really a strong team! The Men teams did their best too and I'm so glad we all advanced to the next level together!

But sadly, the Women (big) team didn't managed to pass through but we could see that all of them put in their 200% effort and team spirit in the race! It was so close! Nonetheless, it was a race well done!

And the weather today was BAD! It was scorching hot and when I checked (while waiting for our turn to race), the real feel was 38 degrees.. 是要热死谁啊!Spent so much on drinks alone, laying my hands on whatever that were cooling -- Sour plum juice, winter melon drink, plain water, ice cream... but they just don't seem enough at all!

Right now, I'm so tired and still got to wake up early tomorrow! Ciaos~

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