Monday 23 June 2014

Day 129 -- Taiwan Conquered!

Didn't slept a wink after Lamp to prepare for my first ever obstacle 10KM course with the dragon boat friends, Hannah, Arnaud and Sebastian, and also 2 other friends of  Sebastian, Iris and Misa. All of us, other than Sebastian who overslept but still made it in time at Taipei, met up at 6AM to catch the northbound coach. The only rest Hannah, Arnaud and I had was just the few of sleep on the coach because the 3 of us were at the dinner and the after party just a few hours prior to the meeting time!

Before we can even reach the starting pen, we had to go over a piece of wall! And there were 20 other obstacles we had to pass for the remaining 10KM. Some stations were really easy, and some were hard. And the rest were just made harder with the heavy rain. that accompanied us throughout the race. We were so pumped up in the beginning of the race, running from stations to stations, but after a few stations later, we decided to finish the distance by walking. And when the rain started, it was just a legit reason to continue walking.

It was a great experience getting ourselves wet and muddy, and it was a great experience to have with friends, because you need some kind of teamwork for almost all the stations.

On the side note, due to poor baggage management, our bags were drenched from the rain and I meant soaking wet. Thank God we were given a finisher tee so we still had a dry clean top when we went back.

Had dinner with the group before I left for my hostel in Taipei (I'm writing about the trip in the next post), and we were all famished and deadbeat from all the workout and the rain. But it was an awesome experience!

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