Tuesday 10 June 2014

Day 115 -- Happy Graduation!

Attended my cousin's convocation at Hsinchu today! It's the first time I attend one and it's in Taiwan, how cool is it! And it seemed to be the day for convocation for most universities in Taiwan as well! Saw so many uploads of my friends' ceremonies and the pictures of them in their graduation robes. I really felt happy for them because they had finally 'graduated' (not officially until all results are out) after so many years of hard work! I really can't imagine it being my turn in a year's time! :O

The ceremony was a rather heartwarming one. Initially I was expecting one that's similar to NTU's, which allow each graduate to go to the stage to collect the cert, but it wasn't the case in her school. The ceremony started with photo montage of the various graduating classes then, the reps from each class will collect the certs from the Principal. It somewhat felt like a high school graduation ceremony than a university's but the human connection in this ceremony is something lack in the conventional ones.

After the ceremony we went to visit her dorm and I was instantly grateful for my room, although I have to climb 4 levels. It was a smaller room than mine and perhaps it is fully occupied, it felt really cramped. Oh wells, it won't matter much since she's leaving soon. Once again, congrats my dear cousin!

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