Saturday 21 June 2014

Day 125 -- Guardian Angel?

I had lessons till 7PM in the Fine Arts Building and as usual I was just making my way down the hill to get back to the dorm when a bike stopped in front of me out of the blue. Initially I thought the motorist wanted to ask for directions (I get a lot of such questions), but to my surprise, he offered to give me a ride down the hill! And I'd never seen him before! It was very much a blessing because I'd been having so little sleep and at the end of the day I'm so tired that I sometimes wish I don't have to return to my room!

So, whoever you are, I'm really thankful for the ride down the hill! And of course, I also want to thank another classmate of mine, Sylvie, who always asked if I need a ride to the Fine Arts Building or out of that place whenever she saw me! So yup, thank you! And if you are reading this, all the best to your future endeavours and happy graduation!

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