Saturday 21 June 2014

Day 124 -- Last cross cultural leadership class

This week marks the week of finals... (Note: It's not the final week because I still have one lesson next week -.-) And it's also my last lesson of the cross cultural leadership class. Perhaps the class that I enjoyed most this semester. I'm not sure whether it's because of the weekly presentations or is it because of the professor who is always so filled with positive vibes!

I'm so glad I was introduced to this course under very random circumstances because Ii get to know so many people from different nations and during the whole semester we were introduced to each other's cultures! This is certainly something I loved!

In this final class, I did a presentation on Croatia with 2 Taiwanese and a Croatian group mate. It's a rather dynamic group I must say and I'm really amazed b the effort put in by the Taiwanese! They were really dedicated in trying to do their best in the presentation! Also I got back the grades for my portfolio and dream board. I can say I did a great job (I have no qualms praising myself! LOL), but I decided to pass my dream board to the prof as future teaching material because it's just too bulky for me to bring back to Singapore.

What's last lesson without any pictures taken! Yup, you can guess what we did in the end of the lesson... If not, continue reading~

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