Saturday 14 June 2014

Day 121 -- Friday the 13

Before I start on anything, I want to wish my dear cousin HAPPY BIRTHDAY! She's the only relative I have in this foreign land. And I really cannot imagine how she managed the past 4 years without any relatives around her. But congrats for finishing your studies in Taiwan and embarking on a new phase of your life!

And Friday the Thirteen wasn't too bad a day for me. It was just revision and presentation meeting for the whole day.. But it ended really well with a drinking session at Family Mart with Maggie and the Chinese exchange students. I must say it was a fun and insightful night spent with them, especially when the guys started sharing about stuff in China. It's through all these interaction that I start to realise how small, how naive my view of the world is.

I'm really amazed at how much I'd gained from this trip and awed by the fact that I am still learning new things every single day despite having to leave soon! Indeed, I'm blessed with opportunities :)

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