Monday 2 June 2014

Day 109 -- Day 3~

It's the third day we're spending in Tainan! The weather was so much better today, although it was still scorching hot!

It wasn't too happy a day for us sadly. We lost the first 3 races of the day and this meant that the Women team, which I'm in, and one of the Men's team did not manage to progress to the next stage. However, we still have one more Men's team that advanced to the next stage, so hope's not lost yet! Also, the international team did EXCEPTIONALLY well! Despite being the last of us to compete for the day, they did not slack off, instead, they had such an awesome timing! 1:39:88 for the race! The best timing ever! When we heard the results, we're so thrilled! They really put in their all into the race and they had indeed raced well! Needless to say, they were given the opportunity to move on to the finals!

Though we (the women small boat team) lost, I'm so grateful to be in this team!
Firstly, the girls are simply AMAZING! Most of us made it a point to attend as many practices we could! There may be times we felt lazy and unmotivated but we still moved our lazy asses to the tracks / pool for training.
Also, this team is so ENCOURAGING! No matter what happened, we are always there to support each other! And this was so obvious during our races! We don't blame, we simply reflect and push each other on to do better. I really love this culture of the team <3
Lastly, but definitely not the least, this team is too FUN to be in! We were always on our way to do some crazy stuff together, cracking jokes with each other and pulling some tricks or another with each other, not to mention the spontaneity of the girls!

At the end of the day, it is all these moments we spent together that pulled us closer. And I am glad that we all know each other by name, something which some teams may to be able to achieve given that the teams were only formed for only 1.5 months!

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