Saturday 21 June 2014

Day 126 -- Sleep deprived

I concussed last night at 10, and set my alarm to 5am, thinking I will have ample rest before doing another day of revision. But I guess I screwed my body clock, and I only napped for 2 hours before I realised I couldn't sleep anymore! So I mugged till 5 and decided to go for a morning run. It was crazy, but I'm glad I did.. The fresh air and the endorphin my body generated after the run certainly did wonders for my revision afterwards.

After revising for more than half the day, I made an impromptu decision to go to the beach for a short sunset gathering with the other international students! It was great meeting up with some of them because people were leaving, and though we say we will meet again, what's really the chances of us meeting again in such a huge group?

After the short meetup it was mugging again. As usual, I was disgusted by the sight of the books.

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