Monday 23 June 2014

Day 128 -- Farewell was made easier with partying

A few of us surprised Dunia with dinner at Mr. Onion... It was a good mix of her friends from Guatemala  as well as friends made during dragon boat. So guess which one do I belong? (No prizes for the correct guess though :P) It was a great dinner, and perhaps a memorable one I should add. It was the last dinner in Taiwan for Phillippe and many girls were leaving on Monday or Tuesday, so it was really one of the last few moments we can actually sit together for a proper meal. It seemed like time passed so fast with good company. We ate and chatted till the restaurant was closing and it was so hard to say goodbye to some of them. But goodbyes were inevitable and who knows perhaps in the future, our paths may cross.

The after dinner activity was at Lamp and it's more of enjoying the moment with the company than to enjoy ourselves. But nonetheless, we all had our share of fun dancing and drinking together for the last time. But I have a race on the next day (read about it on Day 129!), so I can't party for the whole night with them, and had to leave halfway.

So if the physical goodbyes weren't enough, goodbye my dear friends. Take care and God bless. I certainly hope to meet up with you guys again in the future!

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