Tuesday 3 June 2014

Day 110 -- Day 4 finals!

It's the last day of the race and many of us made it there because there were 2 teams competing, Dragon and the International teams! 

The first race was the dragon team's but they didn't manage to get into the finals :( Just like what my team met in our last match, their opponents were kneeling on the boat while they row! This was how strong the team was! Nonetheless, it was a great match because we could see how much effort the guys put in the race. Of course not to mention we only trained for 3 months prior to the race while the rest may had trained for the past year! So, well done guys!

The international team did an ASTONISHING AMAZING job! In the semi finals, their boat seemed to be gliding across the river so effortlessly and they kept their opponents so far behind! Then in the finals (after a painful 4 hours wait), they put on yet another GREAT show! The 2 other teams in the finals were really strong and that included the Philippines team which was known to be really strong (as mentioned by those who were in the Love River race last year). When we first saw the international team in the mid-point, we were so nervous for them (ok, we were already nervous even before the race :p)! The 3 boats were so close to each other! Then something magical happened. Our team picked up speed after the midpoint and they only got stronger and stronger and we emerged as the champions for the category! It was such an intense moment for us when the boat reached the end point! All of us standing by the bay was cheering fanatically as they pass by, and when they crossed the finishing line, it felt as if all of us won the race! What a moment!

As we gathered after the race to cheer and all, Maggie our manager from the OIA got beer for all of us and we had a mass beer shower! (If you don't know what it is, think of champagne showers substituted by beer) We were ecstatic and truly in a carnival mood!

With the end of the race, it also meant that my days in Taiwan is coming to its final countdown. I never regretted joining this team although it meant I didn't have the luxury of time to tour around Taiwan as what I initially thought of doing. In turn, I'd met new people, made new friends and created a special memory for my exchange here in NSYSU! For that, I'm truly grateful for such an opportunity and felt so blessed for all these in my exchange :)

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