Tuesday 10 June 2014

Day 114 -- Hello ALISHAN!

Woke up early in the morning just to make sure I could catch the first train to Chiayi. Yes, it was early, at 4.30am! *yawns*

Wanted to take the forest trail initially but I realised it won't bring me up to Alishan so I took a private mini-bus up instead, which cost me NTD 250, same price as I would pay for a public bus ride. I'm totally in love with the drop in the temperature as we ascend!

The day started with really gloomy skies and heavy drizzles and I thought it's going to be a wasted trip for me. But by God's grace, I was blessed with awesome weather, with occasional light drizzles for most of my trip. It only started raining heavily when I was almost done with the trail, so YAY! The whole forest was practically made up of Cypress tress and I felt so small next to these giants! Perhaps this is why I love the nature so much. It reminds me to be humble no matter how accomplished I may feel at times; and when I feel small, it will remind me of the wonders awaiting for me. Positive thinking much ehh.

And it was my first solo trip out of Kaohsiung! Nothing could describe how excited I was, and perhaps a bit of apprehensiveness because I'm out all alone. But wells, it was truly a great experience :)

After the trek, I explored Chiayi city while waiting for my train to hsinchu to meet my aunt and cousins. The city is rather small, somewhat similar to Hsinchu. And by chance, I got to 文化街(?)夜市 and of course being a foodie, I got some local 方塊酥 back too!

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