Sunday 29 June 2014

Day 136 -- Unexpected day tour

Met up with my cousin in the morning with no concrete idea where we will go to for the day. All we knew was that we want to visit some lavender garden and we were completely clueless about the itinerary for the rest of the day..

Our first stop was Yi-zhong street because le cousin wanted to look for something, but it was a futile trip because the shop wasn't open. Afterwards, we went to 心之芳庭 and had an awesome time walking around the theme park, which was essentially a huge garden with romantic settings apt for holding weddings and for couple photo shoots.

Just when we were lost about our next stop (it was still quite early to end the day), my cousin's roomie came to the rescue. She was out with her brother and sister-in-law and was intending to do visit the carton king and asked if we were interested. Of course we said yes and joined them! And the best part of it, they drove so we were all seated comfortably in her brother's car for the rest of our trip. And it seemed like my cousin asked if she could stay over at her place (quite last minute), and the family was like 'SURE!' They even included my accommodation but I'd already booked mine at the awesome N JOY Taichung ( I think I may dedicate one post for the hostels I'd stayed during my trips around).

Ok, I'd sidetracked too much.. Carton King was interesting! As the name suggest, everything was made from carton in this theme park! Even the furniture in the restaurant we had our dinner at were all made from cardboard! If you have the time in Taichung, I certainly recommend you to pay this attraction a visit!

During dinner, the brother and sister-in-law was suggesting to end the night at the Jin-Cheng night market in ChangHua and visiting Tung Hai University in TaiChung. Factoring in the fact that I was staying in Taichung, they decided to make a detour by going to the night market then back to tunghai before returning home (which is in Changhua). For this, I was truly grateful for their hospitality! And not to mention they were so funny during the whole trip! It was really enjoyable to travel with awesome locals!

Photos will be uploaded after I return to Singapore because the hard-disk is currently safely (i hope) tucked in a corner in my luggage :D

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