Friday 27 June 2014

Day 134 -- Final Farewell with friends

It seemed like it was the day for final goodbyes with new friends made in Taiwan.

I had lunch at this restaurant called 异人馆 in a district near 左营。Other than Xin fang (who was the classmate who treated all of us), there was also her other friends, Li chun and Zhu laoshi. Didn't expect it to be so many people, but it was during lunch that she mentioned that it's a lunch with combined purpose. Firstly, a farewell to me, then a celebration of her getting 1st in some competition, and to thank her friend for supporting her. But nonetheless, I was glad to know new people even though it was technically my last day in Kaohsiung. Li Chun was a really friendly girl, and perhaps our ages are relatively close, it seemed like we can relate to many things. Zhu laoshi on the other hand, was a very wise lady. If I have the opportunity to talk to her more, I believe there will be so many things I can learn from her! And as usual, Xing Fang was the life of the group. With her, there's no need to worry about a lack to conversation topics :p

After lunch, I met Miyuki at the beach to catch our last sunset in NSYSU. Just idling on the shore, looking out into the horizon, watching the setting sun and listening to the waves as they hit the shores. It's a feeling I will not forget. Neither will it be an experience I will get to enjoy in the near future (assuming I am stuck in Singapore most of the year).

After the sun had set, we went to meet Alice for one final meetup this exchange. We had Shark Bites, as were craving for the awesome Chocolate Banana Waffles we had in the beginning of the semester with the Japanese neighbours. But dinner was disappointing. We ordered the waffles only to see that it wasn't anywhere near to what we saw or ate a few months back :( But nonetheless, it was good to meet my buddy for the last time on the last day in Kaohsiung. Take care my dear buddy and hope to see you soon!

I had such a long day, yet it felt so fast. Too fast, too soon, I am bidding this awesome place farewell.

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