Friday 11 April 2014

Day 58 -- What a tiring day

Thursdays have always been my craziest day. Lessons from 10-6 with only one hour lunch break in between, then dragonboat training at 6.30pm. However, today seemed like the worst Thursday I had ever since I got here.

Firstly, I had a really terrible insomnia. Just imagine it's such a hectic school day for me and all I had was only 4 hours of unfitful sleep. Wasted (literally) 1+ hour at the police station because of some dispute with my debit card, but it's been resolved.

Anyway, I've got a presentation just now, and I SCREWED IT BIG TIME. No exaggeration. I meant it. I thought I was quite well prepared. Yet, when it's my turn to lead the class into the activity I'm in charge of, I couldn't and worse still I forgot what I'd prepared beforehand. Without any notes to refer to, you can sort of have an idea how bad I fare for this presentation. And all I'm left with is the fnal assignment coming in a few weeks time. Hopefully by then I can score better.

Right now, I'm making myself really tired so I can have a proper sleep tonight. Hopefully when I wake up tomorrow, it'll be a better ahead!


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