Saturday 19 April 2014

Day 67 -- Back to Tainan!

Spent the whole day in Tainan with my fellow group mates in Tainan today because of a school project we got to do. For the first time (and most  probably the last), I saw 阵头 and the rituals undergone to celebrate the birthday of a Chinese deity! It's indeed an eye-opening experience for me, not to mention the way they set off the firecrackers. So much firecrackers being set off just in a day! And this is not even the actual birthday celebration (which will be on Monday, but me has exams :( )

Well, spent 4 hours in the temple, running around just to get the best pictures, videos; and for me, actually the spot to watch the whole ritual, since I know I will most probably not make it back for any of such activities in Taiwan in the near future. But those 4 hours felt like a long time. I blamed it to the lack of sleep.

After the trip to the temple, we had our R&R at Anping! Had the famous prawn rolls (not very special IMO), 棺材板, and the Anping beancurd for dessert! Out of everything I had yesterday, the beancurd was indeed dope. I love it when they have the beans on top of them. Frankly speaking, I'm not sure if I liked the beancurd or the beans :p

Yup, that kind of summarized my day and seriously I'm already a walking dead by the time we took the train back to Kaohsiung!

Well, pictures and videos will be up soon, stay tuned~

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