Thursday 10 April 2014

Day 56 -- I forgot about posting!

LOL! I actually forgot to post last night! I must say it was rather an uneventful day in school, only that we got trolled by one of the lecturers again -.- I prepared for a mini test that was supposed to be given yesterday, but it was 'unknowingly' cancelled and all she said that it will be in the coming midterms. So much for losing sleep just to study for that, seriously -.-

Later in the evening, I went to have some me-time at Xiziwan with a can of beer and some crackers. Just stoning by the bay.. This was exactly the kind of life I'd been wanting to experience for a long time, but not very easy to in the concrete jungle of Singapore.. Oh wells..

Yup, as you can see that's really boring right? :p

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