Saturday 12 April 2014

Day 59 -- partying!

Greetings from club lamp!! Finally after 8 weeks I get to experience the club scene here! And im loving every moment of it because of the free flow drinks!! O.M.G! This is something I don't get in Singapore! Ok, I'll update more tomorrow! Ciao~

I really had a great time in Lamp last night! The music was good and not to mention the drinks! But I feel that the locals here seemed to be quite calm, in which I meant there weren't much people in the dance floor as what I'd expected. If I'm to compare, the place seems like a KS version of Butter Factory back in Singapore, but the music offered here is better, IMO. And I tried a new drink which I fall in love with immediately! It's called APPLE SOUR, something I'd not seen back at home (or maybe I'm just noob). It's so refreshing and nice! Despite the name, it's not sour at all, which makes me think that perhaps SOUR is just the type alcohol used to make this mix. Oh wells, I shall google about it and hopefully I can try mixing my own Apple sour back at home :)

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