Sunday 6 April 2014

Day 54 -- End of Spring Break

Today is the last day of Spring Break and also our last day in Kenting. Since school is starting and so is all our mid terms and presentations, we decided that we want to take it slow today. So, all we did was to chill at the Baisha beach for the whole afternoon. We rented a huge umbrella (which was kind of a waste of money, since there wasn't any sun at all) and did some people watching, enjoying, or rather freezing from the winds. It was a great afternoon. Allowing time to pass by us just like this, appreciating what nature has for us --  the beautiful seas and skies.

I really enjoy such small treats for myself, especially after spending the past one week travelling from places to places. I never knew travelling can be so tiring! But nonetheless, I must admit I had fun travelling around, knowing more about Taiwan, seeing more of its beauty!

After 9 days of travelling, spring break has finally ended today. I thank you for being part of my journey in discovering more of this peninsula I'm in. I hope I can get the pictures sorted out as soon as possible. There are just too many pictures to share! Ciao~

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