Saturday 12 April 2014

Day 60 -- It's a buddy date!

Woke up early this morning despite getting back to the dorm only at 4am because I had a brunch date with le buddy, Alice!

She brought me to this Chinese tea concept restaurant (天仁名茶) at Sanduo which sells dishes related to tea and gave me a ssurprise treat! And the quality of the food -- mama mia~ We each ordered a set meal which was approximately NTD350 each but the quantity exceeded what I was expecting from a Singaporean standard! I was so full after the whole meal I can barely walk!

While we were casually chatting over lunch, she told me about this internship that she's applying for right now. If she managed to get a place, she will be able to do her summer internship in Singapore! I really hope that she will get it so I can bring her around Singapore just like how she'd been a really good host to me :)

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