Sunday 6 April 2014

Day 53 -- Touring Kenting

Today we toured around Kenting, by that I meant some of the more prominent attractions.

As I was researching on this trip, I came across a post on a travel forum saying that we can miss this place altogether because there isn't much to see. Well, I do agree to this if you are not into coral reefs nor are you prepared to get yourself wet or some sunlight.

Nonetheless, I had much fun today just walking around the Eluanbi and getting myself semi wet at 小湾.

After dinner we went to 出火 where we saw land with burning fire all year round. An interesting phenomenon God has created. We had so much fun playing with the fire sparklers and took so many pictures with it! ^^

Tomorrow's gonna be the last day at Kenting, and also the last day of ny Spring Break. I'm gonna miss all the places I'd been but if I can, I'll definitely plan a similar one in the future!

P.S. I'm so in love with the traditional cakes sold in Heng Chun, just like the one I had in Puli a few days back!

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