Wednesday 2 April 2014

Day 49 -- Last day at Nantou; Cingjing farm

Went to the famous Cing Jing farm today! Because it's situated on the highlands, the bus ride to and fro was quite a windy one. Thank God for really skilful driver that I didn't really get much motion sickness.
Back to the trip, the farm is known for its sheep! And they were all so cute! It's my first time geting so near to them. These sheep seemed so immune to tourists though. They just continued grazing while we were trying to take pictures around them.
Gave the swiss cottage a miss though because we saw what was on display from afar and decided it's too overrated to be visited.
Later at night we went to chill at this bar (布尔乔亚) which the owner of our guesthouse recommended when we first came. A simple and cosy place which serves a wide variety of drinks which included imported belgium beers which are not much seen in other places!
I should be sleeping now because we are travelling early tomorrow again >.< Ciao!

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