Monday 28 April 2014

Day 75 -- An impromptu trip to 小琉球!

Went to 小琉球 with Miyuki today! To cut the long story short, we had some other plans for this weekend, but due to many circumstances, it became a trip to dong gang and xiao liu qiu at the very last moment. Perhaps it's only a short day trip for 2, we managed to finish planning our itinerary within 2 hours, which includes where to go, how to go and when to go, etc. I really love such efficiency!

Anyway, back to the trip. It's only took us 1 hour to reach dong gang and another 30 min ferry ride to xiao liu qiu. Perhaps what's the most exciting thing about today was just the ferry rides. Sailing in the open Pacific Ocean, the waves were so strong that the whole ferry ride was so rocky! Luckily we made it safe and sound. Just to think about the Korean incident, it must been a terrifying experience for all the passengers, living or dead.

The island is actually quite enjoyable, with the scenic views, the caves and the sea! Not too mad a weekend getaway for locals. Luckily I'm here for exchange, or else, this is certainly no the place I will want to visit if I'm on a tight schedule.

After the day spent in the island, we then went to dong gang for an awesome dinner, with fresh Sashimi and grilled oysters! NTD 150 for a big plate of oysters, just for the 2 of us. And they were so fat and juicy!! This is really bringing extravagance to a whole new level!

But now that the day is over, it's back to another week of studying, training, and school. Good luck to me. Ciao~

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