Thursday 27 March 2014

Day 43 -- It's midweek (again)

Today was a rather unproductive day of me trying to finish up my report which is due in less than 12 hours, and I am 0% done. I'm not kidding, I am 0% done with it and seriously speaking I have no idea how to start on it. For the first time I am writing something which I have no confidence in at all. This kind of feeling sucks! I'm not sure, but I always feel so inadequate when doing each assignment of this module or even during the class. The students there seemed to always know what they are in for, and me, I'm just struggling to keep up. Oh well, I guess other than ranting on this platform, I should get my assignment done. Got such a long day ahead somemore.. Oh gosh, I could really do with some help :(

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