Friday 14 March 2014

Day 30 -- 1st month in Taiwan!

Today marks the end of the first month in Taiwan! I can't believe time pass by so quickly! I felt that I hadn't done much exploring and I'm already embarking my 2nd month of the exchange here in NSYSU!

Well, this also means that I'm facing the real shit now. I already foresee assignments and reports coming my way, not to mention the mid-terms that are coming in 4 weeks time. I really got to start studying soon :(

On a lighter note, I'm done with the school week and also my first week of PT for dragonboat. I can only say I still got a long way to go for my physical fitness and I should really start running soon and stop paying lip service for it! Looking at the numbers on the weighing scale was so demoralising :(

Oh wells, time to catch some show and crash for the time being!

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