Monday 3 March 2014

Day 19 -- Reunion at Taipei!

Ok, I'm late in posting again because I was so tired last night. So this is what I did yesterday!

Stop 1 -- Shin-Chan exhibition and Taiwan Design Museum
I spent the day at 台北文创园区 visiting the Shin Chan exhibition, some interactive exhibition and the Taiwan Design Museum! I had so much fun for the first 2 stops, especially the Shin Chan exhibition because Shin Chan was part of my childhood! And I love how mischievous he is!! Needless to say, you would have imagine how happy I was the whole time there.
After which, I went on to some free exhibition around the area and it was some interactive games. Not too bad, but the plot we were to follow was too childish for my liking.
As I still got some time left and I was too lazy and too cold to get out of the place, I went to the nearby Design Museum and I'm glad for the impromptu decision! Saw sone really nice art pieces and some were quite thought-provoking! To end my day there, I walked about 诚品 for another 2 hours, and that's so therapeutic (I don't know why though).

Stop 2 -- 中文系在台北之大团圆!
So a few of us who were in / near Taipei met for a steamboat dinner last night! There were much catching up and knowing how each school operates. This interaction was interesting and enriching since we don't hace much other interaction with the other universities around!
After dinnner, KaiQi brought Minyu and I to Shida night market and to visit her apartment and the other Chinese major who didn't attend the dinner.

In all I must say the night was fun. And pictures will be up soon!

P.s. I'm feeling so sleepy now as I embark on the 5 hr coach ride back to KS :(

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