Tuesday 4 March 2014

Day 20 -- End of holidays, back to reality

Finally ended my weekend trip at Taipei and now I'm in my room typing out this blog post. It had been a really good trip with the 'new' friends. I loved how we can plan a trip out of the blue and quite last minute, yet everything seems to fall in places perfectly well! Other than being blessed, I don't have much words to describe it. 

Just before we set off, we finally went to try the famous 永和豆浆! The soy milk was really fragrant, just that it was a little too sweet for my liking because I forgot to inform the boss that I want it with less sugar. I also had 烧饼 which had such rich sesame fragrance with it! Surely, I'll be going back for more again! 

Well, if you guys had read my previous post, you would have known that I was blogging about day 19 ( which you can read about here) on the coach. Perhaps I was too tired, or maybe it's just the lack of entertainment on the coach (my phone and camera were dead and I did not bring my earpiece to enjoy the on-board movies), 90% of the time, I was asleep. Really couldn't remember when was the last time I was able so sleep so soundly on a long distance ride. 

Well, pictures of the Taipei trip will be up soon so stay tuned! :D

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