Thursday 6 March 2014

Day 22 -- Pictures of Taipei Trip (Part 2)

Brace yourself with more pictures in this post!

Day 3 -- Shin Chan Exhibition, Taiwan Design Museum, Meetup @ 东北辣妈养生火锅店

 One of my all-time favourite scenes

 One of my favourite exhibit
 Another piece I like within the same exhibition

From 3 different universities all in 1 meetup! It was a great night!

Day of Departure -- 永和豆浆, 228 Memorial Park, Back to Kaohsiung

 One final group pic before we depart!

So,this and the previous post basically sum up my Taipei trip over the weekend! It was exciting to travel in a new city by ourselves where most of us had no prior knowledge on. But I love the spontaneity of the group which had been thoroughly displayed during this trip. There weren't a concrete itinerary to start with , yet we were able to cover places we want to go by the end of the trip!

For now, I'm looking forward to the one week spring break in a few weeks time, where we are going traveling again!

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