Saturday 1 March 2014

Day 17 -- Hello Taipei!

Greetings from Taipei! It was such a crazy day today!! To start off, the 5 hour coach ride was a torture because my tailbone was hurting thru the ride. But thank God for the travel pillow my BFF gave me. At least I managed to get some decent rest during the overnight ride.

Just like how we did it when we first reached KS, we walked a crazy amount around again! First to the Sun Yat-Sen memorial hall, then to the famous Taipei 101. After which we went to try the original Ding Tai Fung which was so out of the way, on contrary on what we first thought!

After lunch, we went to our hostel which is situated just behind the Shilin Night Market (how awesome can this be!!) and took a short nap.

For the night, we went to Ximending and Shilin Night Market and needless to say, I did a little too much of shopping again..

So after walking so much today, I'm finally in my bed, while blogging thru my handphone (which I will be doing for the next few days) And this explains the temporary lack of pictures in my blog.

As for now it's bedtime cuz I'll have abother crazily packed day ahead! Nights! :D

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