Sunday 16 March 2014

Day 32 -- Trip to Mei Nong (美濃)!

We woke up early today for a day trip to Mei Nong learning about some traditions of the Hakka Culture here in Taiwan.

First we went to the Hakka Culture Museum where we had a guide to show us around the place and also to explain the Hakka culture in Taiwan; how and where did the Hakka in Taiwan originated from. Learnt quite a fair bit from it especially how a typical traditional Hakka household is like.

Then we enjoyed a splendid lunch which include some of the key food that is unique to the Hakkas. I especially loved the pig intestines and the pork belly with preserved veg! They were so good that I just kept on eating and eating.

After lunch, we then head to another cultural centre where we were taught about the Hakka oil paper umbrellas and the grounded tea. We even get to decorate our own mini umbrellas which we were allowed to bring back! I certainly had fun decorating mine though it looked really meh :/
My masterpiece! ^^
Ingredients for the Hakka grounded tea (擂茶)
And finally to the last stop! We went to pick cherry tomatoes in a tomato farm! It's my first time doing such activity and it's so fun! Plucking and eating then pluck again (oops! :p) Not to mention that the tomatoes are so sweet and juicy! Who would have known I hated these variant of the tomatoes family a few months back! LOL!

Sweet and juicy tomatoes!

In all, the trip was an insightful and definitely a well-planned one!

PS. pictures will be up soon! :)

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