Sunday 30 March 2014

Day 46 -- Spring break travelling log; Taichung

Greetings from Taichung! Yup, today is the start of my 7 day trip out of Kaohsiung to central Taiwan plus Kenting! And the first stop is a short one to Taichung!

We only went to the tunghai uni to visit its luce chapel in the campus and then took a really long ride to the Gaomei wetland. The weather wasn't really good today, so we kinda missed the scenic sunset but nonetheless we all had a great time there!! New experiences like walking barefoot on a wetland waiting for a shuttle bus that comes every 2 hours, making impromptu decisions to where we wanna visit, these really add on to joy of this trip!

We then went to 一中街 in the evening and my verdict is -- It's just like any other night markets. Perhaps just bigger, but the stuff are repetitive :(

As for now, it's time to sleep! Ciao~

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