Friday 7 March 2014

Day 23 -- Waking up on the wrong side of the bed

I literally woke u on the wrong side of the bed this morning. The weather today was great for a sleep in but I got to rise early for a morning class (that's the most terrible feeling ever!). Anyway, I got to climb down the bunk bed but I missed my first footing and got myself landed in an awkward position. And it took me seconds to register what happened and to figure how to climb down. Thank God I managed to grip onto the ladder, if not I may be in the hospital right now.

And the bad day just continued with me getting my first assignment back. And all I saw was ssome really demoralising comments on my work and a big fat cross. The teacher later explained that those with the crosses meant that the work was not up on par A.K.A I'd failed the first assignment :'( What a joke, seriously. Throughout my 3 years in NTU, no matter how tough the module may be, I'd never failed any assignments. Yet, I got an U grade for my first assignment in Taiwan. Saying that I'm not affected will be a lie, but I'm not allowing this failure to deter me from doing a better job in the future! I am sure I can conquer this module!

But the night ended well with me going out for dinner with some classmates after our lesson. The dumplings were so good and they say there are better ones which we had made plans to go together soon! On the way back to the dorm, I went to attend the photography club's introduction session and to my surprise, I saw Alice and her friend in the auditorium! What a coincidence!

I really salute Alice. Other having to clear 30 credits this semester and a member of the Guitar Club, she's also playing table tennis for her faculty and still very involved in other campus activities as well! She is really a true-blue super woman!

Now it's time for the books because I can't allow myself to have another failure here. See yea~

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