Wednesday 26 March 2014

Day 42 -- Renewal of the mind

After one whole day of resting in dorm, I'm feeling so much better and could concentrate in all my lessons today!

Like what the title mention, the lessons I had today was like a renewal for the mind, or perhaps it's just me having a paradigm shift. Somehow, what was being gone through in class seemed applicable in the daily lives. And since the trade deal saga is still on in Taiwan, it's been a common topic all my lecturers had been quoting. But through their quotes, they were imparting valuable knowledge to us as well. Not only their opinions on the trade deal, but also the outlook of life and living. I do hope I can have some tea session with them just to talk about life. I reckon it's going to be very beneficial!

Had a group discussion with my Cross Culture Leadership lecturer with the fellow Singaporean students where we shared our takeaways from her lessons for the past few weeks. Personally, I really love this particular module and it's no doubt my favourite one! Not only because it has no exams, but the lecturer herself is always so full of positive vibes! It's simply a joy to attend her lesson every single week! Just to quote the Bible, "The mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart." [Matthew 12:34] Prof Judy is definitely the true epitome of this verse!

Well, for now, I'm squeezing my brain juices for yet another report due this Thursday, the same module I failed the previous time. Oh gosh, I need lots of luck, like seriously :(

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