Friday 28 March 2014

Day 44 -- Hello 12 day break!

Yup, you read correctly! This coming week is the much anticipated Spring Break! I'm so looking forward to the coming few days because we are touring some places in Taiwan again! As of where, I'm not to disclose now; it'll kill the suspense! But, one thing for sure, I'm still going to update this space daily. You will be part of my journey, definitely! :)

On a side note, we just ended our last PT before we leave for the one week break! And Dunia (our dragon boat instructor), actually requested for sponsored iced teas from 50岚 a.k.a the original KOI in Singapore! Although they don't cost much, but it's the thoughts that count! After enduring the past few weeks of PT, I'm glad to say that I'm still enjoying every single session of it despite the aching muscles that come after each intensive training! To add on, I really feel that it's a privilege to be able to stay in the team because we get to meet so many people from different nationalities! This is especially difficult for a Chinese major like me to meet in our own faculty. 

What a delightful day indeed~

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