Monday 24 March 2014

Day 40, 41 -- Viv isn't feeling too good

Shall do a combined post today because I ain't feeling too well now. Where it all started from (I think), my brunch yesterday.

For the first time in my stay here I decided to have those traditional milk tea in the breakfast store, but right after I finished it, my stomach began to churn, something like an indigestion T.T
And to cut things short, it got so bad in the middle of the night that I got a bad case of gastritis that kept me from sleeping properly and also a bad bad headache this morning.

Worse still, the convenient stalls here don't sell antacid and I'm already unwell as it is to get out of school to get it -.- oh well, I just hope that my gastric will not worsen, or till I feel better to get out of school to get it :(

Ok, end of my rants and thanks for putting up with this!

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