Monday 31 March 2014

Day 47 & 48 -- Greetings from Nantou

Hello! I'm posting this from Nantou! Had so much to update you all about my trip here.
Including our failed trip to the paper dome because we were too late, missing the last bus back to Puli and having to call for a cab with the help of a helpful family mart staff, going for a really late dinner and walking back to the guesthouse with 70% chance of getting lost.
And we went to the sun moon lake today but the weather wasn't on our side. We spent so much time eating and shopping along the streets that we only had 1 hour to spend at the 九族文化村! But that was the craziest 1 hr we had! We took the cable car to have an aerial view of it then went on to the amusement park, where the craze started. Within 15 mins we took a roller coaster ride and a splash ride and rushing back for the last cable car ride! Please pardon my weak vocabulary for I can find no words to describe how I felt just now, seriously!
We then went to the famous 18c chocolate factory whwn we're back in Puli. Well, the chocolates are nice, a little pricey and may be a bit over rated in my opinion :p
And all these are only made possible because I'm travelling with a bunch of exciting and awesome friends!
Here's a collage of us with one of the teddy bears in our cable car rides (they are promoting some teddy bear exhibition I think)
Till the next post, ciao!
P.s. I'll try to update every day ^^

Sunday 30 March 2014

Day 46 -- Spring break travelling log; Taichung

Greetings from Taichung! Yup, today is the start of my 7 day trip out of Kaohsiung to central Taiwan plus Kenting! And the first stop is a short one to Taichung!

We only went to the tunghai uni to visit its luce chapel in the campus and then took a really long ride to the Gaomei wetland. The weather wasn't really good today, so we kinda missed the scenic sunset but nonetheless we all had a great time there!! New experiences like walking barefoot on a wetland waiting for a shuttle bus that comes every 2 hours, making impromptu decisions to where we wanna visit, these really add on to joy of this trip!

We then went to 一中街 in the evening and my verdict is -- It's just like any other night markets. Perhaps just bigger, but the stuff are repetitive :(

As for now, it's time to sleep! Ciao~

Saturday 29 March 2014

Day 45 -- Impromptu Block Party!

I'm glad I stay in a really dynamic hostel! Although I have no rommies, but I have a whole bunch of fun-loving and open-minded neighbours! As the title suggests, we just had an 'impromptu' block party, which was planned, erm 2 days ago(?). But nonetheless, it turned out all well, and we had such a great time talking to each other, knowing more about our neighbours!

So now, I know other than Koreans, Japanese and Colombian, there's also a Thai staying in our dorm as well! It's so cool because she's a superb cook and I managed to 'steal' one of her Thai recipe tonight! (She was preparing a dish and I was next to her, trying to absorb as much as I could!) After all the eating and chatting sessions, we went up to the rooftop to chill. THAT WAS THE BEST PART OF THE NIGHT! The night sky was SUPER clear and not only did I see the Orion belt constellation, I managed to see the Big Dipper constellation for the FIRST time in my life. You have no idea how excited I was! Ok, that aside, some of us had a mini salsa tutorial session from Stefany because she randomly asked (I think) "anyone knows salsa here?" And the rest was history.

We had so much fun talking, chilling and dancing tonight. No doubt, this is thus far the BEST night I had since I reached Kaohsiung some 45 days ago~

 We made Takoyaki from Mizuho's Takoyaki machine! How cool!
Prae's Thai Sour and Spicy Pork! 
 Tomyum Chicken Soup made from scratch! This is DOPE!

 The girls in 武陵!
Stef teaching Megumi some basic salsa steps
And it's my turn to give it a try! (Cr. to Miyuki & Minyu)

Friday 28 March 2014

Day 44 -- Hello 12 day break!

Yup, you read correctly! This coming week is the much anticipated Spring Break! I'm so looking forward to the coming few days because we are touring some places in Taiwan again! As of where, I'm not to disclose now; it'll kill the suspense! But, one thing for sure, I'm still going to update this space daily. You will be part of my journey, definitely! :)

On a side note, we just ended our last PT before we leave for the one week break! And Dunia (our dragon boat instructor), actually requested for sponsored iced teas from 50岚 a.k.a the original KOI in Singapore! Although they don't cost much, but it's the thoughts that count! After enduring the past few weeks of PT, I'm glad to say that I'm still enjoying every single session of it despite the aching muscles that come after each intensive training! To add on, I really feel that it's a privilege to be able to stay in the team because we get to meet so many people from different nationalities! This is especially difficult for a Chinese major like me to meet in our own faculty. 

What a delightful day indeed~

Thursday 27 March 2014

Day 43 -- It's midweek (again)

Today was a rather unproductive day of me trying to finish up my report which is due in less than 12 hours, and I am 0% done. I'm not kidding, I am 0% done with it and seriously speaking I have no idea how to start on it. For the first time I am writing something which I have no confidence in at all. This kind of feeling sucks! I'm not sure, but I always feel so inadequate when doing each assignment of this module or even during the class. The students there seemed to always know what they are in for, and me, I'm just struggling to keep up. Oh well, I guess other than ranting on this platform, I should get my assignment done. Got such a long day ahead somemore.. Oh gosh, I could really do with some help :(

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Day 42 -- Renewal of the mind

After one whole day of resting in dorm, I'm feeling so much better and could concentrate in all my lessons today!

Like what the title mention, the lessons I had today was like a renewal for the mind, or perhaps it's just me having a paradigm shift. Somehow, what was being gone through in class seemed applicable in the daily lives. And since the trade deal saga is still on in Taiwan, it's been a common topic all my lecturers had been quoting. But through their quotes, they were imparting valuable knowledge to us as well. Not only their opinions on the trade deal, but also the outlook of life and living. I do hope I can have some tea session with them just to talk about life. I reckon it's going to be very beneficial!

Had a group discussion with my Cross Culture Leadership lecturer with the fellow Singaporean students where we shared our takeaways from her lessons for the past few weeks. Personally, I really love this particular module and it's no doubt my favourite one! Not only because it has no exams, but the lecturer herself is always so full of positive vibes! It's simply a joy to attend her lesson every single week! Just to quote the Bible, "The mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart." [Matthew 12:34] Prof Judy is definitely the true epitome of this verse!

Well, for now, I'm squeezing my brain juices for yet another report due this Thursday, the same module I failed the previous time. Oh gosh, I need lots of luck, like seriously :(

Monday 24 March 2014

Day 40, 41 -- Viv isn't feeling too good

Shall do a combined post today because I ain't feeling too well now. Where it all started from (I think), my brunch yesterday.

For the first time in my stay here I decided to have those traditional milk tea in the breakfast store, but right after I finished it, my stomach began to churn, something like an indigestion T.T
And to cut things short, it got so bad in the middle of the night that I got a bad case of gastritis that kept me from sleeping properly and also a bad bad headache this morning.

Worse still, the convenient stalls here don't sell antacid and I'm already unwell as it is to get out of school to get it -.- oh well, I just hope that my gastric will not worsen, or till I feel better to get out of school to get it :(

Ok, end of my rants and thanks for putting up with this!

Sunday 23 March 2014

Day 39 -- The Taming of Vivience

I spent the whole day in dorm just to complete reading Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew and trying to get it analysed, because I'm having a discussion on Monday :(
Well, I'm not complaining about the story since I find it interesting. But what really made me want to give up several times was the Old English used in the play. Normally I would have trouble reading ancient chinese (which is my major by the way), and now I am reading and trying to analyse a work in Old English. Guess I only got myself to blame because I made this choice.
Nonetheless, I still feel quite accomplished as I managed to finish the play and did my preliminary analysis today! I just need to review it and do a little touch up tomorrow and I'll be free! Awesome~

Saturday 22 March 2014

Day 38 -- It's another day at the Sugar Museum!

Made a trip down to the Sugar Museum with the girls and Chris this afternoon! It's was an awesome trip although we went through the same places I went previously (you can read about it here). Sometimes, it's just so different to go to the same place with friends!

After which, we each had an ice Popsicle to end our day at 19 degree Celsius, and that was another great experience for all of us!

Well, I'm still in the midst of editing the pictures. Hopefully they will be ready soon! :)

Friday 21 March 2014

Day 37 -- TGIT!

It's the end of my school week! But it seems like I got many things left to be completed this weekend, which include finishing Shakespeare's The Taming of The Shrew and it's analysis by Sunday. But oh wells, I chose this module, so I'm just gonna suck it up.

But I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I'll be going to the Sugar Museum with the girls then it'll be party time! How awesome! I really couldn't wait for it! :)

Thursday 20 March 2014

Day 36 -- It's oovoo time!

Finally got to have my first proper oovoo conversation with Stella earlier on! Come to think of it, it's the first time since I got to Taiwan I actually talked to someone back home. Thanks to technology, thanks!

Dragonboat training wasn't as hard as I had expected it to be, but I am clear that I loving the sessions more and certainly looking forward for more to come! But this doesn't mean I can stop running altogether because I got TONS of weight to lose. I had successfully gained 2KG just in my 1st month here -.- THIS IS CRAZY! It meant that I need to use twice the time to lose the same amount I'd gained :( Oh wells, wish me luck, won't you?

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Day 35 -- Loving what I'm learning

Nothing much today, but I really love the stuff I learnt today! Interesting concepts kept on coming in and I just love the way how things that doesn't look connected at all are in fact joint! I do hope such passion for new knowledge will stay on :)

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Day 34 -- Finally getting the groove of studying

5 weeks of studying in Taiwan, I'm finally getting the groove of studying! Perhaps I'd been having too much fun for the past few weeks, so when I suddenly realise I've got so many assignments due in the coming month, it kind of wake me up from dreamland. I'm here to study, not just to have fun. So yup, I'm starting to have my organiser filled up with deadlines and events that are coming up. Nonetheless, I'm still going to make full use of this exchange to explore places I really want to!

On a side note, I'mm starting to enjoy the dragon boat training more! I can't wait for spring break to come because that will indicate that we are going to the pool for practices! How awesome~ :)

Monday 17 March 2014

Day 33 -- 去六合当一夜傻傻(被骗)的游客

Went to Liuhe night market tonight with Minyu because I wanted to get some local goodies. I believed I got conned into buying expensive stuff, but oh wells, this only happens once in a while.

Unlike the previous trip there, we knew what we want, so the trip was a rather swift one! Which means, we had more time to explore the food there! After spending a month here, I finally got to try the Taiwanese meat ball or 肉圆 as they called it! I'm a sucker for anything that's sticky and chewy, so this had just made it to the top 10 must try local food!

I also got myself smelly tofu fries! It's so smelliciously awesome! Now I understand what some people meant by the smellier the tofu, the better it is! I can totally relate to that! Smelly tofu's place in my heart is uncontested! LOL.

Then we went to walk around Nanhua Night Market (although it doesn't feel like one at all!) to look at the cheap and really pretty shoes available there! They are all so pretty that I can't help but to want to bag them all!

Tonight ended with an impromptu gathering outside Fam Mart and I'm glad to know new people, a Malaysian and an Italian to be exact. They are so friendly and easy to talk to! I do hope we can meet up again! :)

Sunday 16 March 2014

Day 32 -- Trip to Mei Nong (美濃)!

We woke up early today for a day trip to Mei Nong learning about some traditions of the Hakka Culture here in Taiwan.

First we went to the Hakka Culture Museum where we had a guide to show us around the place and also to explain the Hakka culture in Taiwan; how and where did the Hakka in Taiwan originated from. Learnt quite a fair bit from it especially how a typical traditional Hakka household is like.

Then we enjoyed a splendid lunch which include some of the key food that is unique to the Hakkas. I especially loved the pig intestines and the pork belly with preserved veg! They were so good that I just kept on eating and eating.

After lunch, we then head to another cultural centre where we were taught about the Hakka oil paper umbrellas and the grounded tea. We even get to decorate our own mini umbrellas which we were allowed to bring back! I certainly had fun decorating mine though it looked really meh :/
My masterpiece! ^^
Ingredients for the Hakka grounded tea (擂茶)
And finally to the last stop! We went to pick cherry tomatoes in a tomato farm! It's my first time doing such activity and it's so fun! Plucking and eating then pluck again (oops! :p) Not to mention that the tomatoes are so sweet and juicy! Who would have known I hated these variant of the tomatoes family a few months back! LOL!

Sweet and juicy tomatoes!

In all, the trip was an insightful and definitely a well-planned one!

PS. pictures will be up soon! :)

Saturday 15 March 2014

Day 31 -- First cinematic experience

Caught KANO with the gang tonight!

So many firsts to this film! This is my first -- cinematic experience in Taiwan, 3 hour show, complete film in a foreign language! Decided to catch this show because one of my lecturers actually spent one whole hour talking about it ( and it's not even related to our class -.-) Luckily the show wasn't too bad, or rather I did enjoy it because it's related to the Taiwanese history which I have no prior knowledge to! Just that it's kinda too long and my butt hurts after the show :(

After the show we did a little shopping around 新掘江 and as usual the girls got something for ourselves (what's new :p) But because the show ended quite late, by the time we are done with shopping, it's near midnight. Although we were lucky to catch the last train back to 西子湾 station, we totally forgot about the curfew set for the tunnel. Hence, we made a long walk along the bay back to our dorm.
Locked out of the tunnel because we missed the curfew :(

We are going to Meinong early tomorrow! Woohoo! Can't wait for it! Nights :)

Friday 14 March 2014

Day 30 -- 1st month in Taiwan!

Today marks the end of the first month in Taiwan! I can't believe time pass by so quickly! I felt that I hadn't done much exploring and I'm already embarking my 2nd month of the exchange here in NSYSU!

Well, this also means that I'm facing the real shit now. I already foresee assignments and reports coming my way, not to mention the mid-terms that are coming in 4 weeks time. I really got to start studying soon :(

On a lighter note, I'm done with the school week and also my first week of PT for dragonboat. I can only say I still got a long way to go for my physical fitness and I should really start running soon and stop paying lip service for it! Looking at the numbers on the weighing scale was so demoralising :(

Oh wells, time to catch some show and crash for the time being!

Thursday 13 March 2014

Day 29 -- Sleep never seems to be enough

I'd been sleeping the whole day. The only times I woke up was for lunch and dragon boat training and dinner.

It seems like I'm sleeping more over here than in Singapore! Perhaps it's the lack of place to hangout near school (I'm too lazy to walk to the MRT, that's why), I rather just stay in dorm and sleep.

Perhaps I should head down to the gym soon else I really cannot imagine how round I'll become when the exchange ends :o

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Day 28 -- Just another school day

I'm appreciating normal days like this. Just lessons and a great nap in between! But I'm feeling the effects of last night's PT. My body's starting to ache :(

Monday 10 March 2014

Day 27 -- First dragon boat PT

Just had my first PT with the dragon boat team and it was so exhausting! Thinking back, we did just planks and some simple circuits and I almost blackout (I am not exaggerating here!). After listening to how the team fared during last year's competition, I foresee a really tough training period ahead, but I really think this will be one of the highlights I will certainly miss from this exchange! So, I am going to continue on with the training, no matter how hard it is going to be.

Three training per week. I really hope I can survive my first month unscathed.

Day 26 -- Taiwan Sugar Museum

Spent half of my day at the Taiwan Sugar Museum @ Ciaotou this afternoon! But I regretted leaving the dorm so late. There were so many things to see there! I'm sure to visit it again with the rest in the near future :)

Anyway, it was a good experience to be able to learn about something we consume almost every single day -- Sugar. It is always around us yet, so little about its production is known to us. Hence, I really feel that this trip was really an insightful one. Especially the exhibition that shows the different procedures involved in the production of sugar, and how the sugar industry in Taiwan started and transform for the past century.

They also have this mini maze where they used old machinery to make installation art pieces and place them in various spots in the maze. Not to mention the adorable descriptions they have for some of the pieces as well! Oh yes, and this exhibition on pigs! You can find all sorts of objects related to pigs; from piggy banks to dolls to ornaments! Some of them are so cute!!

In all, this is an interesting place, and I will definitely recommend you to go if you've time to spare from your itinerary, since it is quite out of place.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Day 25 -- 因为休息是为了走更长远的路

Other than dinner time, I spent the whole day in the dorm today! It's been 3 weeks since I reached KS but today is the only day I managed to stay in the dorm to do my own things for the whole day! Such rest is much needed for my tired feet. And for the first time in these few weeks, I'm not bothered by any morning alarms and get to sleep in! This feeling is AWESOME!

But now, I need to research on my next destination to visit tomorrow. So bye~

Day 24 -- It's a solo trip!

After being in Taiwan for 3 weeks, here's my first visit to some place all by myself. There may be more to come, knowing that there are places that wouldn't appeal to the rest of the group. Back to the trip, it was an awesome one! I finally got to visit Pier 2 Arts Center proper and went for a few exhibitions, including the National Geographic one!

Each picture had it's publishing year stated on the description make it seemed like I'm walking through history. But the one thing I love about the exhibit which I cannot find in the one in Singapore is that they included the pictures published about Taiwan together with some description. Especially those of the indigenous tribes in Taiwan near to a century ago. They are indeed valuable historic archives.

Other than Pier 2, I also went to the Takao Railway Museum. I was expecting much explanation about the railway history but the museum was more of displays then explanations. Oh well, at least I still enjoyed the scenery there and some of the really huge trains left for tourists (like myself) to snap pictures with.

Finally I went to RuiFeng Night Market again for dinner. But I was snacking all the way that I ate so much unknowingly! Lesson learnt: Never have snacks as dinner ever again!

Enough talking for today! Bye~