Tuesday 11 February 2014

Prelude -- Day of departure

After a relatively long wait, I'm finally on the day of departure. I'm finally going for the highlight of my Uni life, an exchange, and like what the domain name suggests, >138 days away from home.

I'm so glad my mum agreed to cook her signature 红烧肉 for me before I leave! Seriously, if I'm going to miss any food in Singapore, this will be the FIRST!

And I'm so overwhelmed by the love of my friends who came to send me off tonight! At first I was just anticipating less than 10 to turn up, in the end so many people turned up! Not to mention all the cards, pictures and laughter they brought along with them! I'm seriously feeling all the love from all of them. And how can I forget about those who sent me messages with their well wishes because they couldn't make it down to the airport as well! All in all, the love I felt was tremendous. 

If love is tangible, then tonight was a perfect epitome of it. 

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